HBOT and Menopause

We’ve been wondering about HBOT and whether it can help symptoms of peri/menopause.

While we haven’t found any direct studies, we have found some good links.

This study concluded that HBOT reduces oxidative stress:

Then we looked up menopause and oxidative stress. It turns out that estrogen is a potent antioxidant, and estrogen deficiency during peri/menopause can lead to oxidative stress.

And what are the symptoms of oxidative stress? Issues such as:

– Wrinkles and grey hair

– Decreased eye sight

– Fatigue

– Memory loss and/or brain fog

– Muscle and/or joint pain

– Headaches and sensitivity to noise

– Susceptibility to infections

Hello menopause!

We know, from treating other conditions, that HBOT can address many of these symptoms.

If it can also fix wrinkles and grey hair, we should have people knocking down our doors…